South West School of Kinesiology
Tutors: Jo Brewer and Barbara Mastropirro

Kinesiology One Day Workshop
Curious about Kinesiology?
Do you want to know how Kinesiology can help you and your family?
Are you a qualified therapist or healer interested in extending your skills?
Would you like to become a holistic health practitioner?
Kinesiology is an holistic method of health care that allows access to the body's innate knowledge to uncover the root causes of symptoms. Non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful techniques help locate imbalances and stresses in our bodies and minds, and identify natural solutions to restore balance and promote healing.Included in our One Day Workshop:
Introduction to muscle response testing
Experience Kinesiology for yourself
Find out how Kinesiology techniques can identify root causes of symptoms
Simple food testing techniques
Demonstration of balancing the digestive system
Emotional/mental imbalances & Bach Flower remedies
6 simple, effective energy techniques to use on yourself, family and friends
Question and Answer session
Discount vouchers for treatment session and/or Foundation course deposit.